
How To Prepare For A Colonic? Step-By-Step Instructions

A colon is an organ that moves digested food along and absorbs nutrients, water, and proteins to send them to the bloodstream. Currently, many people suffer from a sluggish colon system, resulting in excess fatigue, gas, constipation, headaches, backache, bad breath, etc. A colon cleanse appears as an excellent idea to eliminate toxins in a colon and improve overall wellness. Please get in touch with our medical spa if you are interested in advanced inner cleansing and detoxification. Today, we`ll discuss a prevalent issue – how to prepare for a colon hydrotherapy session.

What is colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy, or colon irrigation, is a procedure designed to flush accumulated toxins, fecal waste, bacteria, and gas from the colon. It is done by incorporating a gentle infusion of filtered, warm water into the large intestine. Many love this treatment for being an effective and low-risk approach to cleansing an organism and restoring the waste system. In addition, colon irrigation claimed to offer multiple benefits. It helps rehydrate the bowel, repairs the gut wall, improves bowel function, eliminates allergy triggers and irritants, improves physical and emotional well-being, and not only.

How to prepare for a colonic?

1. Stay hydrated

Preparing for a colon cleanse starts with drinking enough water. The truth is that staying hydrated can help the waste to pass through more effortlessly during colon hydrotherapy. Make sure you drink around two liters of fluid before your appointment.

2. Limit alcohol intake

Alcohol, carbonated and caffeinated drinks are eliminated via the kidneys, so it would be best to give up drinking them before colon irrigation. Sticking to herbal teas and fruit and vegetable juices as an alternative to filtered water is a good way to go. If you can not limit the intake of inadvisable drinks for some reason, just cut off its consumption previously to a colonic session.

3. Eat more fiber

If you get confused about how to prepare for colon hydrotherapy, make sure you eat plenty of vegetables and other fiber-rich foods. Vegetables promote better constipation and more regular bowel so that you will get the most from a colon hydrotherapy session. Veggies are also low in calories – you receive an excellent opportunity to lose some pounds before a colonic.

4. Adjust your diet

One of the essential steps of preparation for colonic treatment is eating a healthier diet. A diet rich in whole foods and primary nutrients promotes healthy gut flora and bowel. Therefore, giving up junk food and replacing it with more nutritious choices before your appointment would be best. It is not a secret that fast and processed food lacks the fiber and nutrients our bodies require. Meanwhile, some people get a colonic as an initial step toward a healthy lifestyle – it might also work for you once you can not make dietary changes yet.